Why Investing in Your Employees is the Best Investment You Can Make

A brand is only as good as the people behind the scenes running the show. Since our beginning in 1999 101domain.com has had almost the same core group of employees with the same enthusiastic level of drive, inspiration, and dedication that has made 101domain.com what we are today. We have seen the greatest changes in the past two years with company growth across the board. This year marked the first time there were almost an even number of new employees and 101domain veterans at the company holiday party, and every new addition to the 101domain team has been a seamless fit.

At the end of the day, we are a family- our employees, our registry contacts, our customers are all pieces of the whole that make what we do in the domain industry a rewarding journey because registering a domain name is the first step in realizing a dream for many people.

We have pretty great leadership at 101domain. Our department heads know when you empower employees to challenge themselves and inspire personal growth and achievement it translates into their work and aligns with the company goals we are all working together to achieve. What makes the company culture at 101domain so special is the atmosphere is one which fosters growth, the idea that employees are people (shocking revelation we know! – but you’d be surprised how many companies don’t), and gender equality where our women have a voice and platform to impact and influence meaningful change in a traditionally male-dominated tech industry.

Spotlight on Jeff Martin, Marketing-

When working under Jeff you are encouraged to write a list of skills you want to achieve in the next year and continuously work on improving yourself as you grow in your position. It’s starting your mornings off with some reading whether it’s pouring over industry news or the latest trends in marketing over a cup of coffee (or if you’re Jeff around 5), joining webinars, sharing articles with the team, bringing at least one new idea to every meeting, bouncing ideas off of each other. He provides tools for success from notebooks to have on hand when you are randomly overcome with an inspired idea, gifted books he sought because they align with our individual goals in learning and advancement, and our new office toy The Wacom tablet (insert heart eyes). Working under Jeff is turning a content writer into a graphic designer, earning certifications in analytic and search engine optimization and marketing software, and being able to hold a conversation in domain names (an impressive feat since some of us didn’t even know what a domain was when we started). Other members on the marketing team include Nick Thornton, Patrizia Zernatto, Shani Yehezkel, and True Tamplin (LinkedIn).

Spotlight Art Kliatchko, Support-

Support employees are the front line to your customers. How Art puts it – what his team is striving for is the difference between helping customers via reading and repeating instructions from a manual and actually mastering a skill. Being able to give step by step instructions, working through problems with customers, and thinking on your feet and in the moment instead of simply going through the motions. Art challenges his team to designate some time in their busy schedules to learn, specifically Learning How to Learn. In their bi-weekly meetings, the support team is encouraged to take learning into their own hands and into their lives at work and in their free-time. If there’s a skill a support employee thinks will improve themselves personally and operations at 101domain it’s meet with a “LET’S DO THIS!”.

Every new skill your employee adds to their toolbox opens the door for improving and reinventing the company’s systems and processes in the future. Your employees are the essence of you brand- an investment in expanding their skillset is an investment in your brand.