Do you ever find something so good you have to share it with everyone? These are the top picks our team is obsessing over this month. We hope you get as much of a kick out of them as we do!
If you’re interested in learning how to code this is one of our favorite and free web development resources. With tutorials, references and examples this will become your go-to for everything coding. No matter where you are in your life and career it’s never too late to learn the basics.
Sometimes it’s a struggle to find quality stock photos that fit your budget. Unsplash is a photo achieve of gorgeous, free, high resolution photos anyone can use for recreational and commercial purposes! Copy, modify and even distribute the use of photos without asking permission from the author, although it is nice to give them credit and even a donation if you wish!
Now we don’t know how much this is really considered a resource but we do believe knowledge is power, so we’re counting it. Medium has really great articles but beware of satire.
Have you ever heard of Well it’s basically Facebook memories on steroids. Their Wayback Machine gives snapshots of websites throughout their existence. So that medieval first website design from 1999 – yeah you can look back and laugh at the mistakes you made and how far you have come (just like you do with your ex on Facebook).
Make your boss, coworkers and customers happy and download this grammar editor. It works on all web pages, word documents and even with Outlook so they’ll be no more misinterpretation from unclear emails or simple grammar mistakes in presentations. Grammarly also sends you reports to let you know how you’re doing and we secretly appreciate the ego boost. : )