There are only so many hours in the day, how do you buckle down and accomplish everything you need to? When employees have the resources they need they can accomplish so much more. Here is a cultivated list of the 101domain team’s favorite tools to increase productivity at work and build your skill set.

Hubspot Email Signature Generator

Nothing looks worse than an email without a professional signature at the bottom (expect maybe a business email coming from a standard email service like yahoo or gmail). Just because you don’t have a team of developers who can create an HTML signature for your custom domain-based email address, doesn’t mean you have to settle. HubSpot has an email signature generator that lets you create a professional and creative email signature for free – no coding required!


We’re told this on the regular – staring at screens is bad for you. Unfortunately, most of us spend a majority of our work day (and day in general) on a screen, it can’t be avoided. What we can control are the elements that negatively affect us like the intensity of the color of light coming from our computer displays. The bright blue light emitted from our screens restrains the production of melatonin and makes it hard for us to go to sleep when we want to, which is why they tell us it’s bad to stare at screens before you go to bed. Flux works by filtering out the blue light and dimming your computer screen when it gets dark outside – a game changer for night owls!

Tasty Tuts

Tasty Tuts has the best tutorials for learning Graphic Design in Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and more. With step-by-step instructions and practice files to follow along, by the end of the three-section complete beginner’s guide you’ll have all you need to start designing on your own. The videos are so in-depth and helpful you’ll almost feel bad about them being completely free… almost.


HARO is one of those industry trade hacks. Brands strive to write viral content but no amount of wanting and wishing will turn bad content into good viral content. You either need “unicorn content” so amazing people have no choice but to share it (I know you’re rolling your eyes right now- yeah just write something awesome. Good advice. Easier said than done.) or find the right publication to get your name out there. For many of us, the second option is more attainable. HARO makes it easy, all you have to do is register and share your expertise with reporters who will in return introduce your brand to their large audience – hello free advertising!


If you’re like us, you communicate with international clients on a daily basis. One of the simplest things you can do to instantly win over a customer, make them feel more comfortable, and humanize your brand is to learn a few phrases in your customer’s home tongue. Duolingo has 68 different languages to choose from. You can customize your learning experience and have the option to pick the intensity and time commitment from casual to insane. Learn a little bit every day and impress your clients in a major way!