2020 is a leap year and has 366 days instead of the usual 365 days. The extra day during leap years is the leap day on February 29 which means we have an extra day to discover exciting web resources. Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we want to celebrate the month of love with you and share our top five resources that bring people closer together.
1. Hello Vino
Cheers, to love! Hello Vino is a free virtual wine assistant app that’s perfect for when you’re planning a romantic date for Valentine’s Day. The app also gives recommendations for food and wine pairings based on taste preferences. It is ideal for unexperienced or intermediate wine enthusiasts and makes buying wine fun and easy. Keep in mind; Hello Vino is rated 12+ for infrequent/mild alcohol use.
2. One Page Love
Sometimes a single page is all it takes. A single or one-page website is a website that only contains one HTML page. It doesn’t have additional pages like a separate about or product page. All content sits within the same web page with a long-scrolling layout. The One Page Love website was launched to promote existing one-page websites and give designers ideas to create one themselves.
3. Life of Pix
A picture is worth a thousand words. Life of Pix offers hundreds of free high-resolution photographs without any copyright restrictions. The very artistic photos have been submitted by photographers and cover a variety of popular themes. Every picture is free to use for commercial purposes but Life of Pics doesn’t allow mass distribution.
4. Mango Languages
Te quero – Ti amo – Ich liebe dich, saying I love you can sound so romantic. The online learning app Mango Languages is a great resource with a large number of available languages. Bonus: Mango Languages is free if your local library offers it through its database.
5. Adobe Connect
Connect with your team. Adobe Connect is a web conferencing software solution and virtual tool to help companies conduct online meetings, webinars, and training. The solution enables online audio, video, and chat collaboration across devices while running smoothly, no matter which browser you use.
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