It seems like New Generic Top Level Domains (New gTLDs) are popping up everywhere we look and powerhouse brands are advocating for them as early adopters. The great thing about the full list of New gTLDs is that they are versatile across all industries. Check out these brands that are killing the New gTLD game and get some inspiration for your brand.
Always a trendsetter, Lady Gaga adopted BornThisWay.FOUNDATION as the home for her cause. Demi Lovato launched Lovato.CLUB as a place to share VIP offers and exclusive specials for her fans, while a 50 Cent fan page similarly created 50InDa.CLUB to honor the rapper. An iconic music group, The Jacksons, took another route with TheJacksons.LIVE as their official domain name and rapper Childish Gambino released Pharos.Earth and an accompanying Pharos app to announce a three-day concert experience to debut his latest work with his fans.
It will be interesting to watch for the trends in the music industry as more artists venture into the world of New gTLDs. For now, it seems as though musicians aren’t waiting for the designated .MUSIC domain (now available) extension for their brand, but only time will tell.
The music industry isn’t the only one getting in on the action; if you’re still feeling skeptical you’ll be reassured to know the mother of all brands has made the move. Yup, you guessed it, Google! That means it’s becoming a thing. The home page of their parent company Alphabet now sports an abc.XYZ domain name. Playing off of their alphabetical name, Google chose the popular new domain extension targeting Generation X, Y and Z users.

With the maturity of the Classic gTLDs, it’s nearly impossible to find the domain name of your choice that isn’t taken, ridiculously long, or convoluted. With New gTLDs you’ll be able to find a shorter, more memorable, and unique branded domain name.
The goal is to create a name that will be easy for your customers to recall. Instead of having to explain to customers how to navigate through your site to get to a desired page, imagine having (for example) a YourBrand.SHOP domain name for your website’s e-commerce page, YourBrand.BLOG for your blog and YourBrand.COUPON (free pre-registration) to store discounts and savings. You can even create a domain name for a specific product line or base one around a marketing campaign.
Say goodbye to the link shortening services that fail to bring attention to your brand name and purpose because with New gTLDs like the .APP domain or the .SUCKS domain you are free to express your brand any and every which way you choose.