How do you know you’ve made it in this generation? A shiny blue verified check mark next to your social media handle that’s how. You can reproduce this same authority for your business online and become domain name verified.
You know the social media verification check mark we’re talking about…

The purpose of the blue verification tick is to reduce confusion for users and stop impersonation accounts from gaining traction by using someone’s likeness.
A few years ago it was easy to accidentally follow a fan account thinking you were following the real deal and never be able to tell the difference, but today there are Twitter verified accounts, Facebook verified accounts, Instagram verified accounts, and even Tinder verified accounts that prevent this from happening.
However not just anyone can get a blue check mark next to their name, you have to earn it. You can’t apply for it, the social media platform has to personally invite you to register for a verified account.
Did you know you could become domain name verified?
If domain names had shiny blue verified check marks next to them this would be it.
The purpose of being domain name verified is similar to that of verified social media accounts. When internet users are searching for products, services, and information online they want to know they are going to a credible source. Some new domains require a verification process, in which the individual or business is required to submit proof of authenticity in order to operate the domain name.
For example:
.bank domain– Only verified members of the global banking community are eligible to register .bank TLDs.
Online banking is becoming more and more popular, and we can only expect it to keep moving to digital in the future with services like Apple Pay, Bitcoin and Venmo. A verified .bank domain lets customers know their valuable private information and life’s savings are in good hands.
.law domain– In order to be eligible to register a domain name in the .law TLD, the registrant must be a Qualified Lawyer or an Authorized Legal Institution (i.e., law firms, law schools, legal regulators such as bar associations, and courts of law.)
When you find yourself in need of legal assistance, the last thing you need is to be scammed by someone claiming to be a professional. A .law domain name tells internet users you have qualifications that meet the .law domain standards and enable you to uphold the law.
.travel domain– .travel is available to everyone who provides or plan to provide services, products or content in or to the travel industry. New travel startups are welcome, and that includes every new travel content provider.
Some basic rules to live by when traveling in a foreign land is it’s best to take advice from trustworthy and verified .travel websites, keep your wallet and passport close at all times, and never say no to trying new foods.
.ngo domain– Only members of the NGO community may register a .ngo TLD/.ong TLD domain name bundle and must demonstrate such through evidence of NGO status or as a membership organization of NGOs.
Words like “organic” and “non-profit” tend to be thrown around a lot, but does anyone actually investigate if the labels really hold true? You know exactly where your money is going when you give a donation to a .ngo website because each .ngo domain is personally scrutinized and domain name verified.
.lotto domain– Registration of .LOTTO domain names is restricted to members of approved lottery associations around the globe.
Online gambling is a huge and somewhat unregulated industry. The .lotto TLD is held to a higher standard so you know you have a fair chance to play big and win big.
Like social media verified accounts, domain name verified websites help keep the Internet honest and reliable. Browse through all of our new domains to discover more verified domains and earn the verified title for your business website.