What makes a professional website?
Rule #1 that you’ve probably heard since childhood: KISS. That’s right. Keep. It. Simple. Sunshine (see what we did there?). Nobody likes clutter – in their house, in their life, or on your website. A clean and organized layout will let your content speak for itself.
Tell Your Story through Imagery
We are a visual generation. Most visitors on your website are skimmers. Turn skimmers into customers by capturing their attention with images that tell your brand’s story. Compliment your text with relevant images to create a space for visual storytelling. Make every image count. The 101domain Easy Website Builder supplies stock photos use these to break up text-heavy pages but remember that it’s always best to use your own images. When it comes to selling products real photos work best. They add a sense of authenticity and allow the customer to better understand what makes your brand and vision unique.
Keywords are Your Friends
Sprinkle those babies everywhere! Just like your favorite topping you can never have enough keywords. The best way to make your website content search engine friendly is by using keywords (i.e., photographer, photography, shop, digital, studio, professional). A tip to making your website easy to navigate for your visitors is using headings throughout to separate content. Make them fun and most importantly rich with- you guessed it, keywords.
Blog To Your Heart’s Desire
The first thing to think about is how you want to portray your brand. Are you informative? Funny and a little satirical? No matter how you define your brand, be sure to have a consistent voice. The goal is to create an experience around your brand. Turn visitors into customers by being friendly and relatable. Wouldn’t you rather buy something from someone you can trust and relate to?
Keep the tone conversational, easily readable and engaging. Remember these are humans visiting your site. Try to avoid using complicated industry terms and fluff. We came to your site because we are interested in your brand – don’t make our heads hurt.
Building a website is easier than you think. You don’t have to be a web designer to create a professional and beautifully designed website. Get started building your dream website today with our Easy Website Builder.