How Millennials Are Changing The Job Hunting Game

Millennials are redefining work/life balance. Today anyone can be an entrepreneur with careers born from crowdfunding platforms and digital nomads and social media influencers working from anywhere in the world. Employees today are seeking companies who invest in their employees and are even willing to accept less money for a job that offers experiences, travel, and social perks. Millennials are using website resumes and finding creative ways to make sure their resume is seen by the right person at the top companies.

Love to Hate ‘Em

We all enjoy ragging on millennials from time to time. Millennials have earned a bad reputation by some for being entitled, self-centered, and lazy. Although this may be partially true, millennials are a generation to watch for many reasons.

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My younger cousin just graduated from Syracuse University in New York. After enjoying one last summer rid of responsibilities in her hometown of Massachusets, she is beginning her job search in New York. New York is a competitive job market and she knows she is going to have to do something different to stand out in the sea of recent graduate applicants.

Website Resumes

Website resumes are the new trend for young and ambitious job seekers. Depending on the type of position you are applying for, many companies request to see a portfolio of your work. Millennials are often prided on their aptitude for technology, and website resumes give a platform to showcase their work, go in-depth on their experience and skills, and express their personality in a way you can’t on a piece of paper.

My cousin built a simple four-page website that includes a home page, about me page, resume and contact page. It used to be frowned upon to have a resume longer than two pages. Today, companies are welcome to any and all avenues that help them better understand who is applying for the position. Brands want to hire real people. Website resumes offer an advantage for those applying for jobs in the technology industry. Website resumes showcase your design aesthetic and a taste of your skillset.

Creative Resumes

Website resumes and non-conventional resumes are the new resumes. We all remember the guy in San Fransisco who posed as a Postmates employee to hand deliver his resume to the top decision makers.  He included his resume inside a box of donuts – who could resist? A genius marketing tactic! And the fellow who built a website that landed him an internship with Chance The Rapper – legendary! After all, resumes are just another way of marketing your personal brand.

Something that millennials are both hated and prided for is their infatuation with developing their digital brand image. The older generations may call this self-centered and shallow behavior, but millennials can teach us all a thing or two about personal branding. Website resumes are just one of many new tactics millennials are adopting in their quest to redefine the traditional work paradigm.

Most resumes end up in trash. Mine - in your belly.
Image Source: Lukas Yla

A question for our readers:

Do you think website resumes are the new resumes? Would a website resume give someone you were considering for a position an edge over other applicants?