There is a whole world of structure behind the domain name industry most of us have never been clued in on. In this world, there are rules, order, oh and launch phases named after random natural phenomenons. Once someone registers a domain name, it is theirs and only theirs as long as they keep up with the renewals. Point being – there is only one of each domain name. It’s an industry, a market and a product unlike any other which is pretty cool!

On the other side of that, since the demand is high you either have to have one of two things to secure the domain name you want: money or persistence. Understanding the registration phases an extension like the .BANK domain goes through before it hits the general market will give you a better understanding on how you need to position yourself to secure the name you want in the future.


The Sunrise phase is the first phase of the registration period that every domain extension goes through which lasts for at least 30 days. This period is designated solely for trademark holders registered with the Trademark Clearinghouse to protect their brand. In this phase, trademark holders get the opportunity to register names the same as or similar to their trademark before anyone else. For tips on how to get into the TMCH club check out this blog post about trademarks.

Who it’s good for:

  • Corporations
  • Anyone with a registered trademark

Take a peek at the domains currently in Sunrise.


At least for us, this picture and gold rush is what comes to mind.

The Landrush period, also known as Early Access period is the second phase in the process and the first opportunity for non-trademark holders to try and get their hands on the domain name of choice. A premium price is the entry in, and domains are usually on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Many people use this period if they have a specific domain name in mind but do not own a trademark for it. It is also commonly used to gain an advantage on registering domain names with generic and popular industry terms. The Landrush phase is not mandatory, so depending on the registry of the domain extension they may go straight to General Availability after Sunrise is complete.

Who it’s good for:

  • Ballers
  • Big spenders
  • Dedicated domainers
  • Non-trademark holders

Check the domains currently in

The final phase is General Availability, which is a come as you are, free for all. In this period anyone can try to register the domain name they want. This phase is in real-time and it’s when you want a reliable Registrar who will do everything in their power to secure your domain name first.

Hi, 101domain here, nice to meet you!


Here at 101domain we offer Free Pre-Registration on many new gTLD extensions so when it comes time for General Availability your domain name application will already be out the door. Speaking of, .ART domain is the latest one on the block and creating a lot of hype in the art community. Get your Free Pre-Registration in today.