Over the years, web users – particularly online shoppers – have come to rely on the innocuous web browser padlocks and HTTPS in their address bar to...
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Over the years, web users – particularly online shoppers – have come to rely on the innocuous web browser padlocks and HTTPS in their address bar to...
When a UDRP Complaint Is DeniedYou may believe you have the most straightforward UDRP complaint but you always have to remember the three golden...
Have you ever searched for a domain name to find out that it’s taken? Does it feel to you as though all the good names are owned by the same large...
The Internet is an amazing place because it allows us to share information like never before, but what if it could also be used to securely send and...
Corporate Service Series: Volume 10It is no surprise that customers avoid businesses that are unable to guarantee a secure and fast web connection...
In the current situation, remote work has become the norm. It allows you to continue company operations even in the absence of staff in the office....
The European Banking Federation (EBF) and fTLD Registry Services, LLC are partnering to educate the European banking sector about the cyber security...
Volume 8: We will not tolerate fraud and abuse – neither should youThe COVID-19 virus has created several unique challenges for various industries...
Protect your rights, build your brand. Unfortunately, we have neither an unlimited supply of time nor money. Therefore, we will help you protect...
Protect your rights, build your brand.The massive growth of the Internet and eCommerce creates endless opportunities for business owners, but...
Volume 6: Combat Domain Name System (DNS) AbuseLast October, the DNS Framework to Address Abuse was released defining what types of DNS abuse are...
When a UDRP Complaint Is Found to be a Homograph UDRP complaints are not always straightforward. However, this proceeding, reported by the ADR...
When a UDRP Complaint Becomes a Case of Reverse Domain Name HijackingUDRP complaints do not always go wrong, but when they do, they can go terribly,...
Many of our enterprise customers ask us for advice on who in their organization should be responsible for managing their domains. This is a...
How a Dead Drug Lord Got $3 Million for a Domain InfringementWhen is a name more than just a Name?In most instances, a person cannot copyright or...